Volunteer To Make A Difference For Children}

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Volunteer to Make a Difference for Children
Akshaya patraVolunteerism – the act or practice of doing volunteer work in community service
Among the many inspiration quotes that we come across, the one that resonates is Change begins with you. International Volunteer Day highlights the importance of social service and how everybody can make a difference. Given the scenario in India where issues are severe but the resources in NGOs are less, how would you like to contribute? Is it possible to make this world better by volunteering? Will volunteering actually have an impact? Let us find out!
The word Volunteer was first used during early 17th Century when soldiers were called to participate in military activities. However, over the years, this word has got itself a new depth to contribute time and skills to social services. In India alone, thousands of volunteers play a role through NGOs by teaching, rehabilitating destitute women and children, providing free medical facilities, and so on. An NGOs role is such that you identify an issue, create a sustainable plan and begin solving the issue.
At Akshaya Patra, an NGO in India, identified hunger to be an issue that affected childrens engagement in school. For instance, certain situations demanded a child to choose between hunger and education; the latter was never given enough priority. Thanks to the schemes introduced by government and efforts made by Akshaya Patra, children are encouraged to attend school and continue their education.
Akshaya Patra works in partnership with government to provide healthy mid-day meals to school children. The meals are freshly cooked and delivered to schools during lunch time. Currently, over 1.7 million children from government schools and government-aided schools are benefitting from this programme. While the programme continues its operations in 11 states across India, many volunteers have pitched in their time and energy towards Food for Education initiative and they definitely deserve global applause!
Akshaya Patra offers various volunteering opportunities in three areas:
(i) Kitchens
Akshaya Patra operates 26 mega kitchens across 11 states in India which have the capacity to cook up to 100,000 meals. These kitchens are automated and ensure hygiene during the cooking process. As a volunteer, you can get involved in prepping peeling coconuts, sorting grains, unloading of food, and so on.
(ii) Schools
We currently reach out to 13,529 schools and here, you will get the opportunity to serve mid-day meals, interact with children and organise activities for them. If you are willing to propose a programme that will benefit the school, please feel free to get in touch with us.
(iii) Non-field work
We have offices set up in all our locations and the opportunities are posted on our website. These non-field volunteering posts will help you develop your skills in a particular area. Get involve with the opportunities provided by the Akshaya Patra to support as volunteer.
Today, make a decision to offer your support to a cause. By volunteering, you will help society and yourself by lifting up your spirit. If time does not allow you to take up volunteering services, why not donate for a cause? You can sponsor a childs mid-day meals for a year by contributing Rs 950 only!
The Akshaya Patra Foundation is an
NGO in India
which serves mid-day meals to millions of children. The Foundation gives you an opportunity to be a volunteer to support the cause to eliminate hunger.
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